Hi, I’m Liza!

and Im so excited about your seeing sustainable change in your health.

My passion for seeing transformation via Health Coaching started in high school. I remember most of the adults I knew over 65 all had chronic health issues such as cancer, hypertension, stroke, autoimmunity etc. I didn’t want that to be my story. I was always physically active yet college friends latter introduced me to making different food choices. I went on to work in the corporate and consulting arena for many years before if found out something critical on my journey.

Diet and lifestyle are not enough!   

I got saved down on my living room floor and discovered Jesus is real and is still in the healing business. With my new found faith the first person I coached many years ago was given a few months to live due to ovarian cancer. We studied the word and prayed every week and God blessed her with 2 more years and the strength to travel and see the world. I went on to support several other women to experience more joy, health, courage and freedom in their everyday lives live despite their diagnosis.

And I the midst of it all, I started to have autoimmunity issues myself.

How could that be? I thought I was doing what I needed to do. I also had God in my life now. . . and where was He in regards to my pain? I later found out that autoimmunity meant that my body was attacking itself. My body was only doing what my my mind had done for years. I found that a sustainable recovery requires commitment to getting the help I needed while continuing to seek God and His wisdom as He walks you through renewing your mind. I found it is possible to become pain-free from the inside out. And yet as God can, and does provide healing, far too often individuals go right back to the emotional, mental, physical, spiritual environment that either caused (or supported) the health issues in the first place. In functional nutrition we work together to understand what are the root causes to your health issues but also together seek God as we uncover a personalized plan that is sustainable for you.

When you are ready, don’t let another minute pass you by.

I am currently completing my certification in health and wellness coaching and functional nutrition. For the last 20 years helped fortune 100, start-ups and non-profits grow their businesses. My bachelors degree is in Political Science and my Masters is in Media Management. Wellness and Business coaching allows me to marry my passion for seeing the best what God has for others come to life in their health and their online businesses.

Let’s find a time to discuss how I can help you reach your health goals and love life again. Schedule your 15 minute stress-free strategy session today and let’s get started.

For wellness professionals, online business coaching is also available.

You can connect with me at email hello@riverspringcoaching.com